Saturday, November 10, 2012

Become Nothing but Love and Light Again

Become Nothing but Love and Light Again

In deep gratitude..

I bow before you, great Universe, on my hands and knees I lay my face on my Mother's cheek..
To feel the cold loving Earth beneath my bare feet, in all her seasons and cycles..

to dance, to sing, to cry from the bottom of my soul until I am empty of all that is not mine.. 

and to feel the loving embrace of consciousness shining at me at all times through EVERYTHING..

that no matter how many times I forget that you are smiling unconditional Love at me always..

you are ALWAYS shining when I return to you.

Thank you for the wisdom to know now that all I suffer now is a lesson so that I may help others to be free from pain

and for every misery, you have taught me to open WIDER and to let the love swallow the pain,

pain becomes more love...

so that my tears are only tears of opening in surrender, which floods me with even greater bliss..

For even in the face of pain, there is a beauty, for pain is the greatest teacher of complete surrender,

and complete surrender is to allow the Divine consciousness to shine

unmediated through your unique crystalline structure into this world of form.

Give up! Stop trying to fight the flow,

and feel the grace of the current shift your body into ecstatic dancing bliss!

I cannot fathom the love I feel, the joy,

and my only remaining desire is to share, give, serve this love,

Love serving love,
I will feel all things with all beings,

and understand where the edges are between their energy and mine,

and know full well that those distinctions are only temporary illusion.

I will now rest silently in the prayer of the direct experience,

colored with gratitude and love unconditional,

for the awareness to discern the majesty and miracle of this lifetime I have been given.

I will not waste it. I will wake up, and be nothing but love and light again. 

I will now rest silently in the prayer of the direct experience,

colored with gratitude and love unconditional.


  1. You have such a way with words to be able to express the totality. Beautiful.

  2. thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing that with me! <3 I'm very grateful! :)
